Approach to The Way

Simplicity & Naturalness
are the essence of The Way

'A way can be a guide but not
a fixed path'

About Matrix of Mind:

Matrix of Mind is the scientific, philosophical, and applied science of The Way, best described more than 2500 years ago in the Tao Te Ching (Book of The Way). This nonreligious, nonsectarian, nonpolitical, open-minded, openhearted, meticulously rigorous, but relaxed examination of the natural order is the subject at hand.

Attaining The Way is synonymous in other traditions with ‘waking up’, kensho, moksha, satori, becoming one with Jesus (unity with The Way is the goal of Christianity). In Islam (which means submission), the aspiration is to submit to the will of God; stripped of all sectarian contributions, this is none other than what is termed The Way. Jesus said famously that he was The Way, The Truth, and The Life, and that no one would get to the Kingdom of Heaven without going through him.

Simplicity and naturalness are the essence of The Way.

In the 21st century, Matrix of Mind is an attempt to bring together the extraordinary strands of Truth-seeking we have in science, religion, and spirituality by looking at the commonalities. In this way, Matrix of Mind is a different approach toward Reality for the simple reason that it looks beyond words and concepts and looks first to the Natural Order for guidance.

The core of every religion is the same. Whether we call it Yahweh, God, Allah, Krishna, Buddha, or anything else, there is one Truth and one unitary Reality. That Reality has been known since the beginning of written time and has been the subject of great ancient texts preceding most world religions. The labels we give are temporary and depend on our culture and the current epic we are living. Matrix of Mind is a recognition of that Reality. 

In that vein, Matrix of Mind tries to reach those things that matter the most in living a good life; one where we can die in peace and joy for having lived in a way that is better for ourselves, others, and the entire planet. It is a return to simplicity and naturalness in this modern world that has become so complex. It is an effort to undo the wreckage of the split between Science and Religion. But it is not a rejection of our modern technology, which is a wonderful tool for the search. Instead, Matrix of Mind aims to  ‘Seek knowledge as far as China’ like our forebears.

We cannot afford our irrationality anymore. Scientists and religionists alike have to get more serious about finding Truth. We have to cut down on discord and stop excluding other angles of investigation based on our own biases. Now is the time to pull together and help humanity in the midst of confusing times.



Dr. a’s teaching is divided into two areas. One is Forensics, which focuses primarily on the judiciary, probation officers, and attorneys. The second is 1 on 1 self development for individuals to grow to the highest level possible.

Supervision for coaches & clinicians (MSW, LiCSW, PhD, RN, MD)

Dr. Arredondo has been a child and adolescent psychiatrist for the past 45 years. He is much sought after and tends to work on cases for families who have not found success elsewhere. At present, he is available to professionals and students for consultations, supervision, and support.

Forensic Psychiatry

Dr. Arredondo is an expert on neurological or mental dysfunction and gauging its contribution to an individual's emotional, vocational, family, and interpersonal adjustment. He is a former member of the clinical faculty of the Stanford School of Medicine and is a graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Medical School. He has extensive experience in the justice system as an expert witness in national and international courts.

Program Design

Dr. Arredondo has been involved in a number of different original program initiatives. Examples of his work in programming include: Solomon for judicial education; Matrix for getting kids out of orphanages and congregate care facilities; Wraparound for refining initiatives globally; a treatment program for offenders and victims of sexual abuse; CITA (Court for the Individualized Treatment of Adolescents); the Office of Child Development of the National Counsel of Juvenile and Family Court Judges. Dr. Arredondo tends to focus on developmentally critical elements inasmuch as failure to address these elements leads to irreversible harm later. A sapling bent in youth has little chance of growing straight. If you have a programmatic problem, or a problem that looks like it needs a programmatic solution, feel free to contact him.

Death & Dying

Dr. Arredondo has recently begun aiding those facing the end of their life through discussions. Reach out on the Death & Dying page for inquiries.

Public Speaking

Dr. Arredondo has given numerous public talks and presentations regarding family, dependency, juvenile court judiciaries, and civil corporate litigation.